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Applied Sciences and Humanities (First Year)
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Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities (First Year)

Applied Sciences and Humanities of First year Engineering in SVKM’s Institute of Technology, Dhule provides detail theoretical and practical knowledge about all basic engineering courses which helps them to develop problem solving skills and to become a perfect engineer for the society. Applied Sciences and Humanities subjects are the backbone of all engineering subjects.

First Year Engineering Department help students to develop their understanding toward fundamentals of engineering and makes them capable of solving the problems of the society. First Year Engineering includes Engineering Chemistry, Engineering Physics, Engineering Maths, Communication Skills and other basic engineering subjects.

Applied Physics and chemistry are taught at first year level only. The laboratories are well equipped with excellent infrastructure to carry various analysis and conduct all practicals in the field of Solid State Physics and Optics.

Engineering mathematics is language of science & engineering. Engineering students must have an ability to apply mathematical knowledge and skills to problem solving and engineering design tasks. Mathematical expertise can be used to design and build products, for data analysis, and to make predictions. Mathematics has played a significant role in the development of modern technology. By understanding mathematical relationships, engineers can create models that help them design and test products.Communication Skills subject is taught up to third year of engineering to strengthen interpersonal communication and nonverbal communication so as to transform them into better professionals. It helps them to improve the communication skills in organizational context. It hones their written communication to make their logical thinking more effective so they produce productive reports in organization.

First Year Engineering is also actively engaged in the appliedresearch activities. The first year department is producing maximum numbers of technical papers in National, International and peer reviewed journal. Every year department is organising different expert lectures for the overall growth of students and arranging industrial visit to develop student’s relations with different industries.


HOD Message

First Year Engineering program prepares the mindset of the students more receptive for engineering. It provides the foundation for budding engineers to blossom their engineering thoughts. Therefore, the department is the cornerstone for students and faculties. It assists to fulfill the dream of students with dedicated highly qualified experienced faculties, and ultra-modern infrastructure. Department provides free Wi-Fi, AC classrooms, with smart boards to facilitate the technology-enhanced teaching-learning. It organizes workshops, webinars, expert talks for the content beyond syllabus for the seamless holistic development of students. It has well-equipped labs for Chemistry, Physics, and Communication Skills. Because of various departmental initiatives, it has become a nest for budding technocrats. The department attempt to accomplish excellence in education through the adoption of flipped and blended classrooms, innovative pedagogy and inculcating metacognitive skills through PBL. The department focuses on the student’s involvement in various activities such as Engineering Day, Teachers Day, National Science Day, Poster Presentation, Elocution Competition, Project competition, Quiz competition, Sports, etc.

I wish all the best to the students.


Salient Features

  • Highly Qualified Faculty - More than 40% of the Faculty members are Ph.D.
  • Highly Experienced Faculty - Majority of Faculty members 10 to 15 Years of experience and few of them guided bachelor students for their project work.
  • Promising Student Performance - Ex-students as well as current students of the department are working in various important fields.
  • Good Academic Record – Many of our students hold good position in the university
  • National Initiative for Technical Training and Research: 80% faculties have completed all 8 modules to improve their teaching pedagogy.
  • Post doctorate Faculties: Two faculties are having post doctorate from Foreign Universities.
  • Industrial Visit: Department organizes every year Industrial visit for First year students to give exposure of Industry.
  • Community Services: Department organizes every year Community Services like Food donation drive, visit to Old age homes for First year students to make them socially responsible citizen.
  • International Conference, Workshop & Expert Talks: Department organizes every year International Conference, Workshop & Expert Talks for First Year Students for their overall development.
  • Project, Model & poster competition: Department organizes every year Project, Model & poster competition to strengthen their technical abilities.
  • Usage of technical and innovative teaching and evaluation methods: Seminar reports,PowerPoint based presentations, online reading material, internet resources, MS Teams.
  • MOOC Courses: Department encourages students to participate in the MOOC Courses.
  • Active Faculty involvement in student related programs: In capacity of convenors of societies like Student Council, NSS, students Grievance committee, Anti-ragging, Committee against sexual harassment etc.
  • Reviewers: Most of the faculty members are reviewers for many National & International peer reviewed journals with Scopus Indexed Journal with IF= 6.1.
  • Research Contribution: Most of the faculty members have published books in their subject domain and also have book chapters in Springer Nature journals. Faculty members are also publishing their research in high impact factor Scopus and Springer nature journals. Faculty members have published some patents and filed copyrights.
  • Faculty members are determined, focused and very much productive. And also they have result oriented practical skills.
  • Department Motivates students to participate various Technical, Sports and Cultural Competitions.
  • Department inculcates Human Values through additional teaching of Integrated Personality Development Programs.
  • Department collaboratively working with National / International Universities for the Research Purpose.
  • Department encourages students’ association (FESA) to inculcate qualities viz leadership, social skills, team building, confidence, personality development and technical skills.