Admission   Enquiry
Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

Message From HOD:

Dr. Vishal Moyal, Associate Professor and Head of the department

I am excited to share my thoughts on the evolution of the electrical engineering department. The department has a good number of experienced faculty members and is well-established. The department works to produce interdisciplinary electrical engineers who are competent, disciplined, and acknowledged across the world. The department's laboratories are all spacious and well-equipped. Faculty members have contributed to several articles and patents that have been presented at reputable national and international conferences and journal publications. The department takes the initiative to provide workshops and seminars on a variety of cutting-edge topics, including power quality, electric vehicles, and others. Various field expert lectures, technical tours, and industrial trips are occasionally organised for the students' overall growth. As part of the department's ongoing commitment to producing graduates who are employable in a variety of industries, governmental agencies, the public sector, and international enterprises, numerous training programmes for fundamental electrical subjects as well as various software and programming languages have been organised.The Department of Electrical Engineering aspires to become a centre of competence in a number of electrical engineering disciplines, including smart grid, power quality, energy management, electric vehicles, and solar and PV technologies. The Electrical Engineering Student Association (EESA) encourages departmental students to participate in regional, national, and international competitions like KPIT Sparkle, Smart India Hackathon, Robocon, Avishkar, etc.


Salient Features

  • The Department of Electrical Engineering at the SVKM's Institute of Technology, Dhule was established in 2018.
  • The Department offeres a four-year Bachelor of Technology program in Electrical Engineering. The program has a capacity of 60 seats.
  • The Department has State of the art laboratories, equipped with the advanced electrical machines, high voltage lab equipment, PCB prototyping machine, Power quality analyzer and computer lab with licensed software as well as open source software for diverse practical applications.
  • The Department has a blend of experienced and young faculty members having specialization in diverse fields of Electrical Engineering such as Power systems, Electrical Machines, Electrical Drives, High Voltage Engineering, Control systems etc.
  • Quality teaching, with overall personality development of the students, is the motto of the department. Therefore, the students are encouraged not only to excel in studies but also to cultivate their intellect and personalities through various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • We strive to impart basic knowledge of the vast area of electrical engineering, which serves as the best suitable platform for students to pursue higher studies in their areas of interest.

Department Mission

To nurture technically efficient and socially responsible Electrical Engineers, capable of meeting society's future requirements and environmental challenges

Department Mission

M1: To improve academic infrastructure in the field of Electrical Engineering, resulting in high-quality professionals, by utilizing modern technology and design automation tools.

M2: To provide industry with technically educated and globally competent Electrical Engineers.

M3: To inculcate passion for learning and encourage creativity to serve society.


  • State-of-the-art air conditioned & well-equipped laboratories.
    1. 1. Computer Lab
    2. 2. Electrical Machines Lab
    3. 3. High Voltage Lab
    4. 4. Power System Lab
    5. 5. Switchgear and Protection Lab
    6. 6. Project Lab
    7. 7. Power Electronics and Drives Lab
    8. 8. Network Analysis Lab
    9. 9. Measurement Lab
    10. 10. Analog and Digital Electronics Lab
    11. 11. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab
  • All the labs are equipped with essential equipment necessary to fulfil the requirements of the curriculum
  • The project lab is available to students for both mini and major projects. As per their requirements, students can access the laboratory outside ofworking hours.
  • A Notice Board with the required information is present in each lab.
  • Cupboards are available in each lab for students to store their personal belongings.
  • Every lab is furnished with high-quality whiteboards and internet access.
  • Each device, equipment, furniture, and table is marked with a unique identification number (Asset Code) for easy tracking and management.
  • Labs are regularly cleaned and practical setups are monitored & maintained by lab in-charge and lab assistants.
  • All the classrooms are ICT enabled (PA system, Smart Board, Internet connectivity and socket outlets for laptop).
  • Every classroom and labis outfitted with curtains to enhance visibility.
  • Every classroom and labiswell-ventilated with windows, ceiling fans, and a centralized air cooling system to ensure good air circulation.