Dr. MakarandShahade, Professor and Head of the Department,
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try"
MCA Department is a dynamic and exciting area that provides excellent career opportunities in various areas of technology. The department faculties are committed to teaching our students the fundamental concepts and the latest trends via smart teaching and learning process. The students are also taught critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they accommodate their future with confidence. In addition to classroom teaching, the students are guided and motivated to practically implement the principles learnt in classrooms through experimentations in the laboratories and through innovation centers.
Department provides healthy environment to students and faculties to carry out inter department collaborative research in different areas of upcoming technologies. Students are also given opportunities to be involved in vibrant IIC student chapters which help students gain confidence and become skilled engineering professionals. Students are provided internship facilities in organization. The department conducts various workshops, expert talks and additional training programs on recent trends in Computer Engineering and Technology in collaboration with industries for the benefit of faculty and students. The student projects are conducted in-house with the guidance of department faculty and industrial trainers.
I am sure that all passing out students of the department are capable of visualizing, planning and developing big projects of commercial and research interests in their respective field of expertise. The postgraduates of the computer application have been selected by some of the leading software and hardware companies of the country. The available diversity of expertise of the faculty with the support of the Management, Director and Associate Directors we prepare the students to work in global multicultural environment.
The Department of MCA at the SVKM’s Institute of Technology, Dhule was established in 2023. The Department offers two years Master of Computer Application program. The intake capacity is 120 seats for Academic Year 2023-24.
The Department has state-of-the-art computing laboratories, equipped with the latest machines, and software which are networked to the client machines throughout the department. The machines are ready with licensed software as well as open-source software for various practical assignments. Each lab is equipped with a sensor board and printer for the ease of students. Also high-speed internet is always available for the use of staff and students.
The Department has a blend of experienced and young faculty members who also work as mentors to equally diligent, hardworking, and intelligent students.
The Master program is spread over two years with two semesters each year. The students get an opportunity to opt for elective subjects from the first year onwards, which provides the students with more options to learn and acquire ongoing trends in industry. The curriculum spread over two years makes the student conversant and provides in-depth knowledge
We strive to impart basic knowledge of the vast area of Computers, which is the most apposite platform for students to pursue higher studies in their areas of interest